Monday, January 16, 2012

Let's Help our Friends get over G+ Phobia

My circles are pretty full. I'm no Tom Anderson or Felicia Day, but compared to my friends I follow a lot of other users. While they occasionally check to see if more of our peers have joined Google's social network, I eagerly hunt down individuals who consistently generate great posts. That's the difference- I think of Google+ more as a content-based platform more akin to Tumblr rather than a purely social Facebook clone like they do. My circles are populated with web authors and thought leaders I admire, with some friends thrown in. This way, I've created a consolidated location where people with opinions I respect are casually discussing topics I'm interested in. By organizing circles by topic, rather than relationship (or in addition to if you're fancy), it's simple to tailor your home stream to provide content you want to read.

If you're like dozens if people I know, you're thinking, "but I don't know enough people on it to warrant investing the time." Fortunately, Google has a plan for that. Sharing circles let's you broadcast some of your favorite (or most useful) connections. Talk to your friends who use Google+ and find out who keeps them coming back, then ask them to share. It may seem like a lot to ask, but trust me you'll get out of it as much as you put in.

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